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Competencies and research activities
Math-Lab is a laboratory dedicated to didactics, students' guidance, research and experimentation.
In particular, activities in the field of didactics and experimentation are developed in collaboration with the world of secondary school by promoting students' orientation, teachers' formation and experimentation of nontraditional forms of teaching.
In the spirit of "alternanza scuola lavoro" (work-linked training) which is one of the most relevant innovations of the Italian educational system (law 107/2015 the Good School "La buona scuola"), and in line with the open school principles, students of secondary school can attend didactical modules in theMath-Lab laboratory.
Students, thanks to an interactive board, will be allowed to use manipulative software such as geogebra in a more attractive way, they will be supported on Opedia platform (on-line learning) and by Teachnet didactical LAN, and will be led to reinforce their 3D visualization by digitalizing, manipulating and printing 3D objects.
Summer courses are being organized in order to promote Science, Technology, Engeneering and Matemathics (STEM learning) with respect also to the parity of genders.
The laboratory is used in the validation processes, i.e. in the proof of convergence of numerical schemes, of the various models developed in the research activities.
The main applied research is the development of robust numerical methods, which are able to simulate traffic on road networks, salt fingering phenomena, and the dynamical (discontinuous) behavior of thin elastic 1D and 2D bodies with an adhesive interaction with the environment.
The scientific director has been:
Classroom Trainer and online tutor for the following ministerial projects of renovation of the teaching staff of SSMMSS developed by the National Agency for the Development and Autonomy Scholastic (ANSAS former INDIRE) or the National Assessment of Educational System Education and Training (INValSI) in the following courses:
national teachers training project area Informatics ex D.L.vo n. 59/2004
national training teachers project FORTIC C1 (second edition) s.y. 2005/06, national project Digiscuola s.y. 2006/07 and 2007/08
national training teachers project PON "technologies for teaching (course 2)" Annuity 2008-Code project- E-2-FSE-2008-172
national training teachers project PON "technologies for teaching (course 2)" Annuity 2009-Code project- E-2-FSE-2009-140
national project "PON M@t.abel+" for training teachers for mathematics annuity 2009/2010 Code project--E-2-FSE-2009-161
national project "PON M@t.abel+" for training teachers for mathematics annuity 2010/2011 Code project--E-2-FSE-2010-88
Expert plan National Dissemination digital whiteboard annuities 2010.
National plan for dissemination digital whiteboard annuities 2011.
National Plan of "Training and Information on the survey PISA" Structural Funds Programming 2007/2013-PON "Skills Development" AXIS I - Human Capital Action B.3 "Interventions of training on evaluation in the learning process."
Teacher member of the Group of correctors project INValSI "Observatory State Examinations" on the evaluation of the second round of the State Examinations as 2006/2007 of Scientific high schools to address Ordinary and PNI.
Teacher entered in the database experts on issues concerning the national and international surveys for assessing the skills of young people and adults in the system of education and training (INVALSI surveys, surveys OECD-PISA, OECD-ALL, IEA-TIMSS and PIRLS-IEA ).
Collaborations with companies and institutions
The laboratory, completed toward the end of 2016, now constantly interfaces with the Promotion Orientations Placement project especially in the LAB action "Stage in the laboratories of search" offered by the Polytechnic in Bari to secondary schools.
The following secondary schools are collaborating:
Liceo Scientifico "E. Fermi" in Bari for "alternanza scuola lavoro" stages.
Liceo Scientifico "Federico II di Svevia" in Altamura for "summer STEM courses".