Studying and Teaching
The programmes offered at the Politecnico di Bari fully comply with the principles of the university reform introduced by the law (Italian DM 270/04).
The Italian university system is organised in three cycles, according to the Bologna structure: the main academic degrees are the Laurea (1st cycle), the Laurea Magistrale (2nd cycle) and the Dottorato di Ricerca (3rd cycle).
The Politecnico di Bari offers the following degree courses:
Laurea (Three-year Degree course)
These degree programmes provide students with an adequate command of general scientific methods and contents as well as with specific professional skills. The general access requirement is the Italian school leaving qualification awarded after completion of 13 years of schooling and passing the relevant State examination, or a comparable foreign qualification. Admission to some degree courses may be based on specific course requirements. The studies last 3 years. The Laurea is awarded to students who have gained 180 ECTS credits (called Crediti Formativi Universitari – CFU) and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production of a final written paper or equivalent final project. The Laurea gives access to the Corsi di Laurea Magistrale as well as to other 2nd cycle study programmes.Those who receive the Laurea are entitled to be called "Dottore".
Laurea Magistrale a ciclo unico (single cycle Five-year Degree course)
Some programmes (namely Architecture, Building Engineering-Architecture) are defined "single cycle programmes" (Corsi a ciclo unico); for these programmes access is by the Italian school leaving qualification or a comparable foreign qualification; admission is based on entrance exams. The studies last 5 years. A Laurea Magistrale degree is awarded to students who have gained 300 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. The holders of a Laurea Magistrale have a right to the title of "Dottore Magistrale”.
Laurea Magistrale (Two-year Degree course)
These degree programmes provide education at an advanced level for the exercise of highly qualified activities in specific areas. Access is by a Laurea degree or a comparable foreign degree; admission is based on specific course requirements. The studies last 2 years. The Laurea Magistrale degree is awarded to students who have gained 120 ECTS/CFU credits and satisfied all curricular requirements, including the production and public defence of an original dissertation. The holders of a Laurea Magistrale have a right to the title of "Dottore Magistrale”.