Contact person
Fabio Fatiguso - Associate Professor
Competencies and research activities
The Laboratory of Building Technologies is involved in lab and onsite activities concerning performance assessment of construction components, identification of building pathologies, indoor monitoring and energy diagnosis of buildings. Specifically, it offers advanced solutions for maintenance, conservation and refurbishment of the built heritage, with specific focus on the safeguard and enhancement of cultural assets.
Main expertise in the fields of:
- Investigation of materials, decay, crack and damp patterns, particularly for the built heritage, be means of advanced digital diagnostic techniques;
- Assessment of masonry structures and stone elements by integrated systems of diagnostic tests, including sonic and ultrasonic testing, single and double flat-jacks, bore-hole drilling, reconstruction of stratigraphy, water-content measurements, video-endoscopy, qualitative active and passive thermography, high frequency radar scanning for 3D tomography;
- Assessment of vaults and slabs by integrated systems of diagnostic tests, including visual inspection, video-endoscopy, radar scanning, magnetometric testing, ultrasonic testing, qualitative active and passive thermography, bore-hole drilling, reconstruction of stratigraphy;
- Investigation and assessment of underground structures, foundations and anthropic caves by radar scanning at different frequencies and digital reconstruction of stratigraphy and/or 3D tomography;
- Assessment of reinforced concrete structural elements by integrated systems of diagnostic tests, including rebound-hammer testing, ultrasonic testing, SonReb correlation technique for estimating the onsite mechanical resistance, assessment of the concrete carbonation, measurements of the corrosion potential in the rebars, magnetometric testing;
- Assessment of timber elements by integrated systems of diagnostic tests, including resistograph techniques, ultrasonic testing, high frequency radar scanning, visual inspection;
- Analysis of energy performances of building components, including thermographic radiometric mapping, onsite thermal transmittance measurement, advanced modeling for dynamic simulations;
- Indoor microclimate monitoring by measurement of relevant environmental parameters, including air temperature, relative humidity, radiant temperature and velocity, as well as heat flux, surface temperature and lightening;
- Measurement, monitoring and analysis of deformations, cracks and vibrations by multi-sensors reading units, including strain gauges, electric extensometers, LVDT, seismic accelerometers, advanced modeling for dynamic simulations.Further funded research projects:
- "Contactless diagnostic system by augmented reality for buildings with high cultural value and low accessibility" (MIUR "Start Up" 2014);
- "Methodological framework for assessment of energy behavior of historic towns in Mediterranean climate" (Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia 2013);
- "Assessment of the state of conservation of traditional architectures by innovative approaches for 'knowledge' management" (Poliba FRA 2012);
- "Innovative solutions for energy efficiency and micro-generation of the existing building stock. The case of Mediterranean historic towns" (PRIN 2009);
- "HPWALLS. High Peformance Wall System" (Apulia Region FESR 2007-2013);
- "Innovative laser techniques for the restoration of the cultural heritage. The case of Apulia Region" (Apulia Region APQ "Ricerca Scientifica").
Collaborations with companies and institutions
Agenzia Regionale per la Casa e l'Abitare - Puglia Centrale
B.Re.D. - Building Refurbishment and Diagnostics srl
Comune di Bari
Comune di Putignano
Comune di Toritto
Ferramati srl
Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia
L.A.Ser.Inn. Scarl
Polishape3D srl
Politecnico di Milano
Regione Puglia
Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Università degli Studi di Catania
Università Federico II di Napoli