• Italian

Telematics Laboatory

Contact person

Pietro Camarda - Full Professor

Competencies and research activities


Telematics Lab is a research laboratory at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering (DEI) of Politecnico di Bari, the Technical University of Bari.
Our mission is the research on the most relevant technologies in the area of telecommunication networks.
Currently, the main themes of our research are:
Information Centric Networking
Internet of Things (IoT)
5G systems
Network Measurements
Industry 4.0
Telematics Lab is (or has been) involved in the following recent projects:
H2020 FANTASTIC 5G: Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation. Years 2015-2017 (24 months)
H2020 BONVOYAGE: From Bilbao to Oslo, intermodal mobility solutions, interfaces and applications for people and goods, supported by an innovative communication network. Years 2015-2018 (36 months)
H2020 SYMBIOTE: symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments. Years 2016-2018 (36 months)
International cooperation
A de-verticalized machine-to-machine platform for smart building applications”. Galileo 2015-2016 (12 months)
COST Action IC0703 Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA): theory, techniques, tools and applications for the future networks"
RES NOVAE: reti edifici strade nuovi obiettivi virtuosi per l'ambiente e l'energia. Years 2012-2015 (36 months). Funded by National Operative Program – Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013.
DSS: Decision Support System for emergency management in marine environments. Years 2011-2013 (36 months). Funded by National Operative Program – Research and Competitiveness 2007-2013.
ERMES: Enhance Risk Management through Extended Sensors. Years 2011-2013 (36 months).
Strategic Projects - funded by Apulia Region
More details are available at: telematics.poliba.it

Collaborations with companies and institutions

Nokia: https://networks.nokia.com/
Huawey: http://www.huawei.com/
Intel: http://www.intel.it/
Orange: https://www.orange.com
Samsung: http://www.samsung.com/
Sequans: http://www.sequans.com
Telecom Bretagne: http://www.imt-atlantique.fr
TIM: http://www.telecomitalia.com/
WINGS: http://wings-ict-solutions.eu
ATOS: https://atos.net
Azkar – Dachser Trasportes: http://www.azkar.com
Fluidtime: http://www.fluidtime.com
Sintef: http://www.sintef.no/en
Trenitalia: http://www.trenitalia.com
Intracom S.A. Telecom Solutions: http://www.intracom-telecom.com
Networks: http://www.nextworks.it/research/home
Unidata: http://www.unidata.it/en/
Sensing and Control: http://www.sensingcontrol.com
Ubiwhere: http://www.ubiwhere.com/en/
Vipnet: http://www.vipnet.hr
Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center: http://www.man.poznan.pl/online/en/
NAVIGO: http://www.navigotoscana.it