Contact person
Michele Dassisti - Professor
Competencies and research activities
The strong commitment of the Politecnico di Bari towards manufacturing
sustainability deploys into the proactive promotion of social involvement of
its students into the sustainability topics. The long experience on-the-field
were the levers that led to form a multidisciplinary laboratory for the
promotion and development of manufacturing sustainability both in research
and teaching. The services offered are directed toward students and or
teachers as well as outside the Politecnico (research and third mission)
toward manufacturing companies.
Main services are analysis for optimisation of manufacturing processes and
sustainability improvement in manufacturing and production systems. Labs are
oriented to let the student gain critical skills on recognising, measure and
apply sustainable solutions to different manufacturing processes. Strong
competences are available on the analysis of complex real production systems,
on the use of advanced methodologies and non-conventional tools for designing
and implementing continuous process actions.
Collaborations with companies and institutions
ILVA s.p.a.(Taranto), Bosch T.D.It(Bari); Masmec(Bari); Mermec(Monopoli);
Getrag(Bari); Fantini(Lucera e Terlizzi); Buzzi Unicem(Barletta);
IVECO(Foggia), ALENIA(Foggia); Natuzzi(Santeramo); Cofra(Barletta); FIAT
Iveco(Foggia); Om-Pimespo(Bari); Magneti Marelli(Bari);
Procter&Gamble(Campobasso), GEDI Costruzioni S.r.l.(Altamura); Intini
Legnami(Noci); Tubinsud(Bari); SIEMENS (Pisa), Tecnomec Enginnerign s.r.l
(Altamura), Mobilturi (Bari), Bawer (Santeramo), Master Italy (Conversano),
TERA (conversano), VANPLAST (trani), COFRA (Barletta), Globeco (Molfetta),
Apulia Strech (Martina), Brovedani (Modugno), Gruppo Turi (Modugno).