Contact person
Francesco Prudenzano - Associate Professor
Competencies and research activities
The research activities of Electromagnetic Fields and Telecommunications Laboratory at Magna Grecia Center in Taranto are performed by the Microwave and Optical Engineering (MOE) group ( They are pertaining to the following main topics:
MICROWAVE - Design, fabrication and characterization of antennas and microwave devices for aerospace and communication; substrate integrated waveguide devices (SIW); measurement of electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic exposure investigation, bio-compatibility. Microwave applicators for thermal ablation medical therapy. Modeling of accelerating cavities for proton linear accelerators (LINAC) for medical protontherapy.
Lab microwave facilities: i) LPKF ProtoLaser U3 for Rapid PCB Prototyping; ii) StarLab Antenna Test Station (SL18), 800 MHz to 18 GHz, automated anechoic chamber; iii) LPKF Electroplating of Through-Holes; iv) LPKF MultiPress S: Press for Producing Multilayers (up to 8 layers); v) R&S ESU EMI Test Receiver; vii) R&S ENV216 two-line V-network for disturbance voltage measurements on single-phase EUTs; viii) other instrumentation such as E.M. field power meters; Narda Area Monitor System 2600: Remote Monitoring of Electromagnetic Fields; a number of wide band antennas covering the RF-MW range; Optical spectrum analyzers Agilent N5224A PNA 10 MHz to 43.5 GHz; Rohde Schwarz FSH3; Agilent FireFox VNA, Microwave Signal Generators; Dielectric probe kit SPEAG for dielectric constant measurement 10MHz-50GHz; Weller soldering station etc
OPTICS - Design, fabrication and characterization of fiber lasers. Modeling of photonic crystal fibers (PCF), for near infrared (NIR) and medium infrared (MID-IR) applications. Modeling of innovative materials and rare earth doped optical devices in optical fiber and in planar optics; nonlinear device modeling; optical microresonators; design, fabrication and characterization of optical devices for environmental monitoring and biomedicine.
Lab main optical facilities: i) Splicer GPX PTR Fiber Optic Glass Processing Unit; ii) PTR PTR Fiber Optic Recoater Fiber Optic Recoater; iii) Ytterbium fiber Lasers CW 30 W and CW 100 W; iv) Infrared Chamber; v) EDFA ; vi) UV-VIS Ocean Optics spectrometers; vii) equipped optical benches; viii) Nanoscan M2 beam quality measurement etc
Collaborations with companies and institutions
Factories and districts: Somacis, ITEL, Emitech, Neetra, RTM, Quanta System, INFM, Centro Laser, EniTecnologie, OPTEL, IFN-CNR MERMEC, PLANETEK, SITAEL, district of Manduria (TA), district of Statte (TA), district Volturino (FG), MISE – Bari.
Research institutions: Università di Rennes1 - Francia; UMR-CNRS - Institut de Physique de Rennes (IPR) – France; Institut de Recherche en Ingénierie Moléculaire et Matériaux Fonctionnels, UMR CNRS - Le Mans - France; laboratoire de Physique de l'Université de Bourgogne - France; Physics Dep. Shiraz University, Shiraz - Iran;The Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS), Centre of Expertise in Photonics (CoEP) University of Adelaide - Australia; University of Tokyo – Giappone; Mesures Physiques Department- IUT Institut Universitaire de Technologie du Mans – Francia; INFM – Lecce; CNR-FSA – Trento; IROE-CNR - Firenze Politecnico di Milano; Politecnico di Torino.