Contact person
Umberto Galietti - Professor
Competencies and research activities
The Lab carry on research activities mainly on the following topics:
1. Structural Diagnostic: traditional applications, new applications and development of new non destructive techniques (Thermal methods –IRT;
Ultrasound – UT; magnetic particles – MT; Penetrant – PT; Strain Gauges – SG; Eddy Current - EC; Xrays – only interpretation)
2. Rapid characterization of fatigue behavior of materials/components with InfraRed techniques
3. Monitoring of manufacturing (Automated Fiber Placement and technological processes (Friction Stir Welding) and analysis of the process for mechanical behavior of components
4. Coatings analysis: thickness evaluation, quality of adhesion, non destructive evaluation, tribological characterization (in cooperation with tribolab)
5. Stress analysis with Thermoelastic Stress Analysis (TSA)
6. Damage monitoring (Acoustic Emission; Thermography, TSA etc)
7. Fracture Mechanics
The lab is equipped with all needed and up to date instruments for non destructive testing (3 UT systems with possibility of c-scan, MT, PT, 5 Thermocameras in all possible ranges and performances, Eddy current system with single and differential probes, Strain gauges, hole drilling rosette for residual stresses, etc)
In particular the possibility to use 100kN MTS Hydraulic loading machine with thermal cameras allows the fast analysis of fatigue behavior of various materials (tested for aluminum alloys, titanium alloys, traditional and innovative steels, composites) with fatigue limit evaluation in about 3 days instead of 6-8 weeks need for standard testing. Research carried out in the lab showed the possibility to obtain the entire fatigue curve. Research also focuses on the study of Fracture Mechanics behavior of materials in order to localize the crack tip position and to assess the crack propagation law.
The strong point of the adopted approach is the applicability on operating real and complex shaped components (i.e. FSW welded joints).
The research group was awarded of:
a. AEA Technology award during 1998 International Conference of Experimental Mechanics
b. Innovation Award of ALENIA AERMACCHI 2014 for development of thermographic innovative technique for resin pocket characterization
c. Innovation Award of FINMECCANICA 2014 for development of a system for quantitative measurements of resin pockets.
d. AIAS award 2015 for best paper presented in 2014 conference of Italian Association for Stress Analysis
e. Best Student Paper at 2017 SPIE Conference “Thermosense”
The vision of the lab is that all engineering lab activities has to be properly used in the territory. The effort is to consider always in the development of new application or new technologies the possibility for a proper implementation of the results of the research in production line or product development. The lab cooperates strictly with the spinoff company DES - Diagnostic Engineering Solutions. All activities carried out in the lab are and can be industrialized and customized in proper in line control.
The scientific coordinator registered 4 patents: 2 European related to new instruments for Non Destructive Testing based on thermography and 2 national patent (one for thermography application and one for monitoring blood
pressure with a wearable device).
The lab is involved actively in a number of industrial and research projects PON, regional, private.
Collaborations with companies and institutions
In recent years Lab od Structural Dagnostic was involved in many funded projects and international collaboration.
The following list is not comprehensive of all activities but is a good example of collaborations and technological tranfert.Université Montpellier II – Laboratorie de Mécanique et Genie Civil.-France Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-Sao José dos Campos-SP-Brazil Departamento de fisica aplicada I- Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao-Spain
The following list is not comprehensive of all activities but is a good example of collaborations and technological tranfert.Université Montpellier II – Laboratorie de Mécanique et Genie Civil.-France Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica-Sao José dos Campos-SP-Brazil Departamento de fisica aplicada I- Escuela de Ingeniería de Bilbao-Spain
Universitè Livree de Brussels (Be)
University of Sheffield (UK)
University of Manchester (UK)
Dublin City University (IR)
University of West Scotland (UK)
Onerà (FR)
Università di Palermo (IT)
Università del Salento (IT)
Industrial research and collaborations
FIAT Research Centre
Isotta Fraschini
Centro Laser
Jonica Impianti
Fraunhofer Institute
General Electric (Nuovo Pignone)
Scientific Responsible
a1) Responsible of research unit in PON DITECO Material Characterisation with thermography.Responsible DTA. Involved for about 140k€.
a2) Responsible of research unit in for the Project PON EFFEDIL Characterisation of Material for susteinable buildings. DITNE. Activities for about 90k€.
a3) Responsible of OR2 for the research unit of Politecnico di Bari for the project PON SMATI. Activities of material characterisation and coating analysis with thermography.. Head of the project Nuovo Pignone di Modugno. Activities for about 650k€.
a4) Responsible of research unit in CAMPUS MELFI Project. Activities of defect assessment and material characterization and predictive maintenance with thermography.
The lab was involved with responsibilities also in the following closed
a) Research Unit at Politecnico di Bari for the project Progetto strategico regionale con finanziamenti comunitari, con capofila Politecnico di Bari, PS134 “Ricerca e Sviluppo di metodologie per la meccanica sperimentale e la diagnostica strutturale” - € 803.000,0, industrial partners: MERMEC, SITEC, RFP, ELFIM
b) Research Unit at Politecnico di Bari for the project Progetto Regionale Strategico Regionale con finanziamenti comunitari, headed by ENEA, PS009 “Rivestimenti funzionali innovativi mediante tecniche di elettrodeposizione (RINNOVA)”, - € 323.000,00. industrial partners: Studio Cirignaco, Dentalart, Goldent.
c) Research Unit at Politecnico di Bari for the project headed by Università del Salento, with title” Materiali e metodologie innovativi per prodotti nel settore delle energie rinnovabili”, - €70.000,00.
d) Contratto di Ricerca Scientifica a Rilevanza Nazionale “Giovani Ricercatori” – Analysis of thermal anomalies for the defect avaluation on composite components” - € 6.145,83.
e) Research contract between DIMEG e ALENIA mechanical characterisation of composite material SYNCORE” - €105.000,00, 2006 - 2008.
f) Research contract between DIMEG e ALENIA per lo Sviluppo di modelli e metodologie di calcolo di pannelli curvi irrigiditi da correnti e rappresentativi di fusoliere di grossi veivoli - €100.000,00.
g) Coordinator of the activity “Research contract between DIMeG e MASTER SRL (Conversano – BA) Automatic Window - €30.000,00.
h) Research contract between DIMeG e Analysa SRL (Cuneo) for thermoelastic stress analysis on Rapid Prototyping Models” - €30.000,00.
i) Research contract between DIMEG and Centro LASER SCpA supportino research on middle power lasers - €25.200,00.
j) Research contract between DIMeG e CETMA SCpA (Mesagne – BR) Development of thermographic methods for Non Destructive Evaluation od structures reinfoced with composite laminate - €24.000,00
k) Research contract “Fondi di Ricerca di Ateneo 2003 (FRA - Ex 60%) -
Development of numerical and experimental procedures for the Non Destructive Evaluation and thermoelastic Stress Analysis of jointed composite laminates and welded structure. - € 6.961,02.
Lab was involved also in activities in the following projects
Research Contract with CALEF dall’oggetto:” Progetto Aliscafo ad ala immersa” - €24.000,00 (2006-2007)
Research Contract with CALEF:” Progetto SINAVE: Sistema innovativo di trasporto intermodale basato sull'impiego di navi veloci” - €99.600,00 (2005-2007)
Progetto Esplorativo Regionale PE044- "Accordo programma Quadro in materia di Ricerca Scientifica nella Regione Puglia- delibera CIPE n..17/03 e n. 20/04 - Implementazione di un modello numerico/sperimentale del tratto lombo-sacrale della colonna vertebrale per la diagnosi e la cura di patologie degenerative dolorose" - €170.000,00 (2007-2008)
Progetto Esplorativo PE_095-"Accordo programma Quadro in materia di Ricerca Scientifica nella Regione Puglia- delibera CIPE n..17/03 e n. 20/05 - Studio delle proprietà fisico chimiche e meccaniche di nuovi materiali biodegradabili-compostabili in film per usi alimentari e non” - €138.200,00 (2007-2008) Progetto strategico Regionale PS_014 -"Accordo programma Quadro in materia di "Ricerca Scientifica" nella Regione Puglia- Tecnologia Innovativa per trattamenti e rivestimenti superficiali di utensili e componenti meccanici (TITRiS)” - €280.000,00 (2006-2010)
Progetto Regionale 3.13 for SITEC Melpha Laser:” Sviluppo e realizzazione prototipale di un sistema interferometrico a variazione di fase per il controllo automatico di blocchetti piano paralleli – ATS” - € 124.000,00 (2005-2007)
Programma Operativo Nazionale 2000-2006 n297 per le Regioni Obiettivo 1 - Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo Tecnologico, Alta Formazione - Dimostratore per PROcessi di saldatura IBRIDa di Leghe di Titanio” - €820.000,00
(2003-2007) Programma di Ricerca Nazionale '2005: Sviluppo e applicazione di procedure ibride numerico-sperimentali basate su tecniche ottiche per la caratterizzazione di materiali innovativi per uso industriale e biomedico”
- € 85.000,00 (2005-2007) Research Contract by MERLINO TECHNOLOGY SRL:” Black Box intelligente
per nuovi target di sicurezza” - di €64.800,00 (2007) Research Contract by Alenia Aeronautica: “Valutazione e
caratterizzazione di composti ottenuti da preforme in fibra T800 ‘dry tow placement’ infuse con resina 977-2” - €150.000,00 (2005-2006)
Research Contract by Alenia Aeronautica: “Selezione e sperimentazione di metodi di prova atti a caratterizzare la proprietà meccanica di taglio nel piano di materiali compositi innovativi con rinforzo in tessuto 2D braiding in fibra di carbonio e matrice” - €55.000,00 (2005-2006) Research Contract by Alenia Aeronautica: “Studio e valutazione delle tecniche da sperimentare e delle procedure: realizzazione dell’attrezzatura di carico” - €59.000,00 (2005-2006)
Research Contract by Alenia Aeronautica on the funds “Ricerca L.297 “SONIC SUPERFICI RIF. ASPT/T051/VP/MC/0093/06 del 15/06/2006”: “Prove meccaniche su mono stringer” €150.000,00 (2005-2006)