Contact person
Giuseppe Carbone - Full Professor
Competencies and research activities
The TriboLAB belongs to the net of research labs TRASFORMA, recently established at Technical University of Bari thanks to the financial support of the Government of Regione Apulia.
The mission of the TriboLAB is to investigate phenomena taking place at the interface of contacting bodies, such as rough contact mechanics, friction, hydrorepellence, lubrication, crack propagation.
Collaborations with companies and institutions
The Tribolab has an extensive investment by several Industries, Academic Departments and local Governments. The research collaborations are:
“LASER4FUN” (European Project “Marie Sklodowska-Curie”).
Scientific Coordinators Antonio Ancona and Giuseppe Carbone
The funding assigned to the Bari research unit of CNR-Politecnico di Bari–Università, is 252k€.
"INNOVHEAD " PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013
Research Unit Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone.
The funding assigned at the research unit: 193k€
“Elettronica di controllo, sistema d'iniezione, strategie di combustione, sensoristica avanzata e tecnologie di processo innovativi per motori diesel a basse emissioni inquinanti"- PON Ricerca e Competitività 2007-2013.
Research Unit Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone.
The funding assigned at the research unit: 93k€
“Modelli Innovativi per Sistemi Meccatronici”, APQ Ricerca III Atto Integrativo della Regione Puglia.
Research Unit Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone.
The research unit has been funded with 130k €.
“Tecniche di Ricerca Avanzate per lo Studio e l’implementazione della FORMAtura con mezzi flessibili di Leghe Leggere tramite l’utilizzo di superfici ad attrito controllato e lamiere saldate di differente spessore (TRASFORMA)”
Research Unit Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone.
The project has been funded by Regione Puglia (Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Puglia -12/02/2008) .The research unit has been granted with a budget of 500 k€.
“An Integrated Framework for Engineering Bio-Mimetic Adhesive Interfaces (EBioAdI)”
Scientific Coordinators G. Carbone and P. Decuzzi
The project was funded for the period 2008-2011by the European Science Foundation.
“Metal chain CVT efficiency and traction performances”
Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone
The project was funded by the dutch company Gear Chain Industrial B.V. Neunen – The Netherlands for a total amount of 66k€. The project involved also JTEKT – Corporation Japan.
“Innovative models for Mechatronic systems”.
Scientific Coordinator of the research unit on Tribology of surfaces: G. Carbone
The total funding under the responsibility of Prof. Carbone was of 130 k€
“Friction and Wear of Ceramic and Composite Materials
Scientific Coordinator G. Carbone
The project was funded by General Electric – Nuovo Pignone – Italy for a total amount of 37k€ + VAT
“International Center for Ocular Physiopathology-Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto Onlus (FBOV)”
Scientific Coordinator of the research unit on Tribology of surfaces: G. Carbone
The aim is to determine the mechanical properties of human cornea membranes by means of Atomic Force Microscopy. The project was funded by FBOV.
“Sviluppo di Materiali Avanzati e Tecnologie Innovative per turbomacchine per impiego in condizioni estreme-SMATI”
Scientific Coordinator of the research unit on Tribology of surfaces: G. Carbone
The aim is to design and develop wear and corrosion resistan coatings.
Scientific Coordinator: G. Carbone
The total funding was 80k€ + VAT
Scientific Coordinator: G. Carbone
The total funding was 40k€ +VAT
Scientific Coordinator Tribology of surfaces: G. Carbone
The total funding was 20k€ +VAT